What a wild year it has been. If ya don't know, I've been traveling back & forth from summer in Milw, Wi. to winter in New Orleans over the last 3 years.This snowbird lifestyle has allowed me to explore the Mid Coast and plan my cross country travels strictly around moped rallies as they happen. Over the last six months I've went to the ACR rally in Austin, TX, Bandits WB5 in louisville, and the Lafayetis rally in Indiana. I've riden all winter long with the MONO crew in New Orleans and they are tuning french bikes that have mega blasted the bayou! Ya' heard??
Mopeds have become a specialized commodity in my alter-world of mopedelusion. I've bought, tuned and sold mopeds strictly for fuel expenses and dirty money to fund this exotic lifestyle over the years. I've realized that I'm the happiest when living in a temperate climate. This has become more important to me then owning a house again, or working a solid career in one city or state. I've been riding almost everyday all year, and wrenching for rent wherever I'm at. I don't think I'll be doing this forever, but I've accepted the sacrifice of comfort for freedom by using moped wrenching skills for survival.
I've already been thru living the American dream as a husband, property and business owner for many years. That lifestyle changed years ago, and then I rediscovered the fun of mopeds. I've owned 2-stroke motorcycles as well, but I like the way that mopeds are just cheap crude machines that react well to modifications. I'll keep riding and tuning them for years because I like mixing hobbies with business. Having fun and making money is winning at life.